St. Croix Falls, WI – Dancing Dragonfly Winery Valentine’s Dinner – Feb. 15, 2020
A DRAGONFLY NIGHT OUT! Valentine’s Dinner and Comedy Date: February 15, 2020 Time: 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Price: Main Level: $55 …
A DRAGONFLY NIGHT OUT! Valentine’s Dinner and Comedy Date: February 15, 2020 Time: 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Price: Main Level: $55 …
Ski or Fat Tire Bike on the beautiful Stower Lakes Trail Ski Starts at 5:30pm Fat Tire Bike Begins at 7:00pm Sat, Jan 25, 5:30 – 9:00 PM
A Town Wide Celebration Fun winter activities. Vintage Snowmobile Display, Fishing Contest on Coon Lake, Snow Sculpting, Hockey and Garage sale at the Elementary School. Frederic, WI 54837 Information: 715-327-4836 Event Detail: 10am-3pm. .
Flaming Idiots, by Tom Rooney. Presented by the Blackdirt Theater January 25 – February 22, 2020 Location: 100 Sibley Street Enjoy dinner and a great comedy play!
Winter Ice Cream Social in Stillwater’s Lowell Park! Are you going to let a little bit of snow and freezing temperatures keep you indoors?! Of course not! We’re Minnesotans! January is the perfect time for an Ice Cream Social! The Washington County Historical Society (WCHS) will hold an old-fashioned ice …
SCANDIA Vinterfest a great family event and wonderful way to celebrate Winter! This year’s events include: The Minnesotan Cup Hockey Tournament Snow Sculpture Contest The Sledding Cloggers A Pancake Breakfast Fireworks ttps://
third annual Winterfest A community-wide celebration for all things winter and Stillwater! The University of Stillwater is the fictitious St. Croix community for our Winter Games. Come join fellow weekend warrior “classmates” in this epic celebration of winter fun. With the Fighting Storks as the campus mascot (representing the Birthplace …
2020 OYSTER AND FRENCH DIP SUPPER Contact: Any Clear Lake Firefighter for tickets OR email: [email protected] Location: CLEAR LAKE COMMUNITY CENTER 560 5TH ST CLEAR LAKE, WI
THE RUSH RIVER RAMBLERS! The 14th season of Community Barn Dances has started, with bands and callers we know and some we’ll get to know. Anyone, any age, and any ability level can attend and anyone can dance. Professional callers teach each dance before we dance it, AND the learning …
welcome the jul season with the celebration of lucia! Follow the candle lit pathway to the GammelKyrkan for a brief Swedish prayer service. (Dress warmly – this church dates back to 1856 and has no heat.) Afterwards, join us across the street at the Community Center for a full Lucia …