St Croix Valley Regional Tourism Alliance

St. Croix Falls, WI – FALLS MUSIC FESTIVAL – August 28, 2021

Ribfest Presents: Falls Music Festival featuring Chris Kroeze Location: Polk County Fairgrounds 800 Louisiana Street – St. Croix Falls, WI 54024 Information: 715-483-1410 Event Date Detail:  Starts at 4 pm NOTICE OF EVENT CANCELLATIONS & BUSINESS DISRUPTION Please contact events or venues directly in case of cancellation or postponement.  

Chisago City, MN – KI-CHI-SAGA DAYS – August 19-22, 2021

Ki-Chi-Saga Days Celebration Thursday-Sunday, August 19-22 Join our community to celebrate Ki-Chi-Saga Days, a great city festival with activities for all ages! The celebration is held in Moberg Park, but also includes other various locations throughout the city. Enjoy LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, including music, magic shows, Swedish dancers, and jugglers. There’s …
