Osceola, WI Community Fair is BACK! 
We are back for 2021! The 97th Annual Osceola Community Fair will be kicking off its annual events on Friday, September 10th. For three days, the fairgrounds will be home to fun for everyone with traditional exhibits, live music, rides, food court and beer garden, truck and tractor pulls, Miss and Little Miss coronations, and the Osceola Grand Parade.
The fair grounds are open to all with FREE admission. Showcase your talents or appreciate the efforts of others in the fair building where you can check out ribbon-winning skills mastered by our local residents from gardening, baking, sewing, painting, and more. Exhibits can be viewed in the fair building from 12:30PM until 8PM Friday, Saturday during the day, and Sunday through the parade. Local businesses and organizations also offer an opportunity to learn more about them and often have some giveaways and prize drawings.
Downtown: 400 7th St – Osceola, WI 54020
Toll Free: 800-947-0581